
Aqiqah Standard Package (Indonesia)

Picture of Aqiqah Standard Package (Indonesia)
Aqiqah Standard Package (Indonesia) is performed in Indonesia. The meat will be cooked and distributed as sadaqa/charity to the poor and needy. No meat will be flown to Singapore.


As per Shariah, male or female livestock is allowed to be slaughtered for aqiqah/korban. Male livestock is more expensive due to higher demand in Indonesia.


The rice box contains rice, the cooked meat (rendang style meat and gulai soup), vegetables, fried noodles, fruit, crackers and a spoon. The balance of the cooked meat will be distributed together with other participants's rites. 

VOLUME DISCOUNT - Discount is provided as per below quantity

Quantity 4+
Price $180.00

Please refer to Product Specifications for more details.

For aqiqah/nazar/sadaqa in Indonesia only, we are offering an optional video documentation service. You may opt for this service during checkout.

Each participant would receive a dropbox link that contains the following files:

1. Aqiqah photos, approximately 30+ photos from livestock selection until distribution

2. Aqiqah e-certificate (unless opted out)

3. Distribution photos of wakaf 1 book of  Al Quran for each livestock under the participant name to be given to madrasah, pesantren or any quranic learning center in Indonesia

Note:* Picture shown is for illustration purposes only. It does not represent the actual color or size of the animal. The difference in aqiqah package price (Standard/Super/Premium) is due to animal weight/size. 

Meat is flown to Singapore No
Weight of live animal 18 - 19kgs
Nett weight of meat (exclude bones, internal organs etc) 5kg+ (in average)
Number of person that can be fed Approximately 20-30 persons per goat/sheep
Portion of food that is available for distribution per sheep/goat in average 220 - 250 satay and 60 - 80 portion of curry or 50pcs or rendang meat and 60 - 80 portion of curry