
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb is an online portal to order your korban/aqiqah/nazar or sadaqa for Muslim Community in Singapore. We are currently offering aqiqah in Semarang, Indonesia, and Australia. Our aqiqah in Indonesia is performed on a daily basis whereas for aqiqah in Australia is performed on a fortnightly (two weekly) basis.

For Aqiqah in Indonesia, our local partner has a list of orphanage houses, muslim cheritable organizations, madrasahs (pondok pesantren), and other muslim foundations that are taking care of the poor/needy in the community. We are documenting the process of the rites starting from the slaughtering of the livestock up to the distribution of the cooked meat.

As part of our service, we will be issuing a certificate of participation and proof of documentation of the aqiqah to each participant after the aqiqah is performed. 

Register now to book/order your aqiqah/korban!

Featured products

Picture of Aqiqah Standard (Raw Meat - Indonesia)

From $160.00

Aqiqah Standard (Raw Meat - In...

Aqiqah Standard Raw-Meat (Indonesia) is performed in Indonesia. The meat will be distribut...

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Picture of Aqiqah Standard Package (Indonesia)

From $180.00

Aqiqah Standard Package (Indon...

Aqiqah Standard Package (Indonesia) is performed in Indonesia. The meat will be cooked and...

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Picture of Aqiqah Super Package (Indonesia)

From $190.00

Aqiqah Super Package (Indonesi...

Aqiqah Super Package (Indonesia) is performed in Indonesia. The meat will be cooked and di...

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Picture of Aqiqah Premium Package (Indonesia)

From $240.00

Aqiqah Premium Package (Indone...

Aqiqah Premium Package (Indonesia) is performed in Indonesia. The meat will be cooked and ...

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Picture of Cooked - Nazar/Sadaqa Sheep/Goat (Indonesia)

From $180.00

Cooked - Nazar/Sadaqa Sheep/Go...

Nazar/Sadaqa/Dam Sheep/Goat (Indonesia) is performed in Indonesia. The cooked meat will be...

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Picture of Placenta/Uri Burial


Placenta/Uri Burial

This is an ancillary service for the burial of your newborn's placenta/uri. Our team will ...

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Picture of Pra-Ramadan Infaq (Indonesia)


Pra-Ramadan Infaq (Indonesia)

This is Pra-Ramadan infaq for underprivileged Muslim families at the outskirts of Semarang...

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Picture of Ramadan Iftar Meals (Indonesia)


Ramadan Iftar Meals (Indonesia...

Iftar meals will be distributed to students in madrasahs in Indonesia during Ramadan.

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Korban Rites 2024 Video is out on our Youtube Channel

This is our Korban Rites 2024 video that summarizes our Korban operations in both locations, Semarang and Bojonegoro, Indonesia.


Korban Rites 2022 Summary Video is on our Youtube Channel

This video summarizes our korban operations at both korban location at Semarang, Central Java and Bojonegoro, East Java.
