Korban Cow/Lembu Package will be slaughtered on Eidul Adha or 1st tashreek day. Cow/Lembu can be shared by up to 7 individuals / 7 names (lesser name is allowed). Please refer to Product Specifications for more details.
Tentative last date for registration: Tuesday, 3 June 2025.
Each participant will receive Korban photos, Korban slaughtering video clips and an e-cert. For Korban cow, we may not broadcast the slaughtering live from Bojonegoro.
The Korban schedule and the link to Korban photos will be provided in our update one day before Idul Adha. The Korban summary video will be uploaded in our YouTube channel in 1-2 months. Each participant will be informed via email.
Please check our YouTube channel to view our past korban videos:
Note:* The picture shown is for illustration purposes only. It does not represent the actual color or size of the animal.