For all aqiqah in Indonesia, we will distribute it to the poor/needy, orphanage houses or other Muslim charitable organizations.
Cooking is optional at an additional charge. For aqiqah, it would be preferred to have the meat cooked before distribution. Nevertheless, the rites would still be valid if the meat were distributed raw.
Cow/Lembu can be divided and intended for 7 individuals / 7 names.
Each participant would receive a dropbox link that contains the following files:
1. Aqiqah photos, approximately 30+ photos from livestock selection until distribution
2. Aqiqah e-certificate (unless opted out)
3. Distribution photos of wakaf 1 book of Al Quran for each livestock under the participant name to be given to madrasah, pesantren or any quranic learning center in Indonesia
Note:* Picture shown is for illustration purposes only. It does not represent the actual color or size of the animal.